If you would like to switch web hosting firms and you do not have much experience or time, you may find it tough to transfer your content. Moving an HTML site involves uploading smaller files to the new hosting server, therefore it may be easier, but moving a script-driven Internet site, especially a custom-built one, and linking it to the database on the new web hosting platform or moving databases and emails may be really irritating tasks for some people. As a result, lots of users are stuck with a provider that offers a bad web hosting service just because they don't know how they can migrate their content to another company safely and securely while keeping the looks and performance of their websites intact. In this light, our web hosting packages feature a site migration service, that's 100 % free of charge, and that shall save you a substantial amount of time and efforts since you'll not need to do anything on your end.

Assisted Website Migration in Dedicated Hosting

You can use our 100 % free service if you require a more powerful hosting solution and you decide to obtain one of our Linux dedicated hosting for your sites. A competent team of system administrators shall begin the migration of your information the minute your hosting server is set up and you contact them and in the typical scenario it doesn't take more than 24 to 48 hours to migrate even multiple websites and make certain that they function properly. The time can vary depending on how many Internet sites you have and what their size is, but we usually fit within this timeframe. Due to the fact that our hosting servers run on Linux, the sites which we move need to be compatible with this Operating System and shouldn't be developed on platforms which don't offer access to the site files - Wix, Mr. Site, Jimdo, Weebly, etc. Any other website, regardless if it was developed by a website designer or with a platform like Joomla or WordPress, can be transferred very quickly and our admin team will let you know the minute they are done. You could change the name servers of your domains after that to direct them to the new dedicated server. There will not be any downtime for any of the websites because the content which the domain addresses shall load during the DNS propagation will be the same on both servers.