Monthly Traffic
Find out what hosting providers imply whenever they say ‘monthly traffic quotas’.
The monthly traffic characteristic, that is sometimes also referred to as bandwidth or info transfer, identifies the total amount of info which can be uploaded to your cloud website hosting account and downloaded from it every month. Your website traffic is generated generally by website visits - every time someone loads your web site, the webpages they see are downloaded from the website hosting server to his / her computer system or mobile device and they are shown by the internet browser. What counts for the site traffic produced is the size of these pages, as a result the more website visitors you get for some period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. Along with the web site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the total monthly transfer which means that any time you upload site content or other files by using a file manager or an FTP program, they'll also produce some site traffic. The counter resets on the very first day of every month and it is not related to the date you've signed up and the date you have renewed your web hosting package.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
The Linux dedicated hosting that we provide include tremendous traffic allowances which are sufficient for any type of website, even a video streaming portal or a preferred social network. Terabytes of site traffic will be available each month and the management panel that is featured with each dedicated server will give you information what amount of info has been transferred already and how much is available for the current month. In order to avoid service disruptions, we'll inform you if you reach 90% of your quota and you are able to either lessen the traffic generated by your sites by optimizing their data, or you can increase the quota for your account. It is extremely unlikely that you'll ever need such an enhancement, but we prefer to leave this option open. The statistics in that panel feature the overall website traffic, compared to the data in your hosting Control Panel where you will find only the traffic from websites, but not from server-side software downloads and updates.